sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013

amusedly learning

Daniel Rincón Casas

Ana cristina Monsalve

class activities learning through literature
Children learn best through play! here in this page we are going to give you ideas to teach in a funny way ¡enjoy it !


The educational value of using stories and the technique of storytelling has always been undisputed throughout the world. Now more and more English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers of young learners are using carefully selected stories with a vocabulary that they can understand easily.

Activities based on drawing
Literary works can function as a bridge for different types of reading and writing activities at all levels. After reading a story, students can investigate the context of it, find out more about the author or write about their own opinions.
in this case we are going to work with children the teacher read a story and later the pupils should drawing the end of the story using their imagination below you can find and example for this activity.

One day the pirate Modi was out running errands with his mom.

They shopped for groceries and ate peas at his favorite restaurant.

Then the pirate Modi's mom said, "Oh , we need to  stop off at the doctor's office for a quick checkup."

The doctor checked Modi's heart, his blood pressure, and his knees.

Then he explained that Modi would come back the next day and get a shot,
to protect him from scurvy or something.

The pirate Modi did not like shots.

what do you think will happen ?
now you should drawing the end of the story

activities with videos
The following activities will develop with children that belong to 3th grade.
The main target with this activities is that the kids recognize the objects that they   watched in the video, taking into account the labor that peppa the pig  was making, and the stuff that she used.
The activity is going to be done after watching the video

Activity one:  choose the correct answer 
what is the object that it’s in the picture?

B: banana
C: Apple

A: seed
B: house
C: mobile

A: book
B: tree
C: Watering can                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     A: A:table
B: chair
C: apple   
A:Watering can
B: stone

The second activity:  what are the Steps for plant a plant according to peppa’s grandpa?
Put the number with the corresponding picture.
1) Seeds                                                                            
2) Hole in the ground
3) Cover with ground
4) Watering the ground                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

poetry Activities 
Activities on poetryPoetry and short works can be used in almost all class levels to teach skills ranging from creative writing to pronunciation. Read poems aloud can help students master the sounds and rhythms of English, and students of intermediate and advanced levels can compose poems either jointly or individually. They can also inquire about poets, about their lives and times, for a jointly written reports or oral exposure to the entire class.

here we got four poems for work the fluency and vocabulary with the pupils

1) Tinkle, Tinkle little car
How I wonder what you are.

Leaking oil every day
Having it your own way.

Going up hills real slow
I don't want you any mo'.

2) I was a dare devil,
I always raised the level,
I got bruises and scars,
But that didn't stop me from going bizarre

I would jump and skate,
But it wasn't my fate,
I have to find ..........

3)Oh, dear,
Oh, my gosh,
I hope that no one saw,
I wish that I could laugh,
But maybe someone saw,
Maybe I should hide,
But, ah, whatever,
I'll just pull my trousers up.

4) Raindrops on this page
Wind blows my paper away
Oh crap! I need that!

the tongue twister
the tongue twister are very good to improve the rhythm and fluency, then here we got some  tongue twister ¡enjoy it!
-I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
 Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.

-I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
 Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.

-How many boards
 Could the Mongols hoard
 If the Mongol hordes got bored?

-How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?

-Send toast to ten tense stout saints' ten tall tents.

-Denise sees the fleece,
 Denise sees the fleas.
 At least Denise could sneeze
 and feed and freeze the fleas.

-Sheena leads, Sheila needs.

-The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday.

activities with songs
songs are a good way to learn new vocabulary and the kids  like so much the songs, below there are some song that you can use in your class.

with this song you can  work the animals  name.

here we got the alphabet song with a catchy rhythm.

with this song you can work the Months of the Year.

with this song you can work the  Weather. 

amusedly learning